
Gale appointed Eberhardt School dean, sets school on new trajectory

Lewis Gale is named as dean of the Eberhardt School of Business.

刘易斯·盖尔(Lewis Gale)在全国范围内进行了激烈的遴选后,被选为埃伯哈特商学院(Eberhardt School of Business)院长.

Lewis R. Gale, 是谁以不同的角色引导埃伯哈特商学院(Eberhardt School of Business)度过了各种机遇和挑战, was named dean for the second time on May 29.

Gale has served twice as dean, twice as interim dean and taught for five years with the business faculty.

“刘易斯·盖尔是太平洋地区最高级别的学术领袖:一位聪明而热情的高管, 他是一位孜孜不倦、富有创造力的教育家,他总是放眼未来,发现新兴的就业市场,” said University of the Pacific President Christopher Callahan. “但最重要的是,他非常关心我们学生的经历和最终的成功. We are fortunate to have Dean Gale leading the Eberhardt School.”

Added Gretchen Edwalds-Gilbert, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs: “Dean Gale is committed to student success at all levels; on his office desk, he has a small sign that reads, “这对学生来说是件好事,因为……”这确实体现了他对正规博彩十大网站以学生为中心的使命的承诺.”


What made you want to lead the Eberhardt School of Business again?

Gale: 我回到教职员工岗位上工作了五年,并有机会教授创意课程和设计新课程. I support where the school is headed. 我也认识了卡拉汉校长,很欣赏他对学生成功的关注. All of that made me consider the dean position when it opened. But there are no funny headlines this time. 上次我被任命为太平洋地区院长时,《正规博彩十大网站》的标题是:“大风席卷太平洋地区.”

Share an example of the focus on student success.

Gale: 校长在2021年把我们(全体教员)召集到一起,讨论他为高中生开办的暑期学院。. 他对我们说:“我希望你们有创新精神,告诉我有什么有创意的新课程.” So I wrote six course descriptions and he ended up picking five to use. 我看到了一个机会,让学生们尽早参与进来,并展示我们对他们的承诺. Today, we have confirmed students who attended the summer programs. 我们现在的工作是通过帮助他们取得学位来确保他们的成功.

2023年,埃伯哈特商学院(Eberhardt School of Business)的学生在迎新周(Week of Welcome)期间享受“与院长一起吃煎饼”的待遇.


What excites you about the majors and courses that have been developed?

Gale: I am excited that we brought sport management into our school. 这是一个小而强大的团队,有精力充沛的学生和教师,正在做一些伟大的事情. Sports analytics has also created opportunities for our students. 在我们所有的专业中,你的坚实核心是工商管理理学学士学位. 我开发了第一个电子竞技商业课程,利用电子竞技和视频游戏中的技能来加强商业所需的技能. 这门课程促成了太平洋博彩中心的建立,现在我们可以建立协同效应来教育学生,满足学生的需求. 我在春天成立了一个特别小组,开发一个酒店和酒店管理的新专业,该专业将与新的太平洋酒店合作推出. 我们也在增加对拥有令人信服的研究生学位的国际学生的吸引力,这推动了我们的入学人数增长.

Your father was a huge factor in your career path. Share some of his story.

Gale: My dad was from a poor background in South New Jersey. 对他来说,唯一的选择要么是当一名捕蛤者和渔民,要么是在玻璃瓶装瓶厂工作. 17岁时,他谎报了年龄,以便参军参加朝鲜战争. Returning from his service, 他意识到世界比南新泽西更大,所以他向西去了加州的社区大学. 他想成为一名会计,多年来他每天都在努力提高自己的技能. 他被旧金山金门大学(Golden Gate University)录取,并在旧的基督教青年会大楼里上课. He completed his degree there and became a CPA. 从我记事起,我就在他办公室的墙上看到了他的学位和注册会计师证书. My dad is my hero and I wanted to be just like him. There was never a doubt that I would attend and complete college.



Your children Lewis Jr. ’24 and Madeline ’19 both graduated from Pacific. How special was their college experience?

Gale: 我们的儿子已经能够学习商业分析,并在老虎队打水球,他将继续在正规博彩十大网站读研究生. 我们的女儿本来不想留在斯托克顿上正规博彩十大网站,后来却在这里茁壮成长. 她四年都住在校园里,是德尔塔伽玛姐妹会的成员,也是老虎舞者. 我的妻子坎迪斯和我都为他们的大学生活感到骄傲.

With three decades of experience in higher education, you have strong feelings about the value of a college education.

Gale: 除了上大学是值得的,没有人能从我这里得到任何答案. The evidence is clear that it is still the best human capital investment. 我们不是在简单地“培训人”,而是在教育学习者成为批判性思考者,并在面对变化时自主学习. 例如,我们有一些校友在进入职场时使用计算尺. 然后他们不得不适应计算器和个人电脑来继续生产. 今天,我们的学生在多种电子设备的陪伴下长大,很快将进入一个分析和生成人工智能在商业各个功能领域的世界. We must be at the forefront of that educational frontier to remain relevant. 大学学位的价值在于它能让人们做好适应、适应和成功的准备. I am proud of what we do for students here at Pacific.

Lewis’ favorites

Book: “My Effin’ Life” by Geddy Lee, frontman for the band Rush

Movie: “Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope” from 1977

Television show: “Seinfeld” followed by “Ted Lasso”

Food: “Give me a BBQ cheeseburger”

Hidden talent: “I play four instruments.” (guitar, bass guitar, keyboard and ukelele.) He is also still in a band with friends from his youth.