
There are a variety of resources to help new 学生 become acclimated to life at Pacific. Students have access to several resources to assist with academic success, including:

All COP 学生 are paired with a specific faculty advisor for a 个人ized mentoring experience through which faculty guide 学生 to explore their intellectual interests, learn the requirements for degree completion and discuss life after graduation.
Students first meet with their faculty advisor during summer orientation, 在正规博彩十大网站的第一个学期之前, 每学期至少见一次面, but usually more frequently throughout the rest of their time at COP.  Faculty advisors are usually from the student’s chosen major, and are the first point of contact to answer major-specific questions and to assist 学生 with exploring their post-graduate and career interests.  


  • 将他们的学业、生活和职业目标联系起来
  • Selecting classes and understanding degree requirements
  • Developing a realistic educational plan and monitoring academic progress in DegreeWorks
  • Incorporating out-of-class opportunities that support their career goals
  • 对接校园资源 

Academic coaches support you in your academic, 个人, and career goals. We work towards helping you maximize your educational experience by providing support with time management, 组织, 学习技巧, 动机, 目标规划, 适应大学生活. 通过一对一的辅导课程, 我们帮助您识别成功的障碍, 明确你的目标, and create an 个人ized plan or road map to success. You can find the academic coaches in the COP Student Success Center (aka “The Hive”) in WPC 151 or contact them via email at cop学生uccess@lanyanshen.com

在这里找到你指定的学术教练! (http://forms.office.com/r/teCye4kNMU

莎米拉亨德森 COP学生成功经理和学术教练 
Fun fact: I grew up in Philadelphia, PA and went to the same high school as Jill Scott! 
坎德拉古森斯 学术教练和牙科预科顾问
Fun fact: I try to go to as many local coffee shops around me as possible. 我现在最喜欢的是泰拉咖啡. Their iced dirty chai or Mexican mocha are so good! Next on my list is Comal Coffee off of Miracle Mile. 看看吧! 
嘉莉挂 学术的教练
电子邮件: chang@lanyanshen.com
有趣的事实:在工作之外, 你可以在海滩或山上找到我, 在农贸市场购物, 玩电子游戏, 钩编, 和家人一起看恐怖电影, 和我的小妹妹们一起玩, 珍珠和蛋白石! 
诺拉严 学术的教练
电子邮件: nyan@lanyanshen.com
Fun fact: I love to go bakery bouncing (going to different bakeries) to get some goodies. 我每个月都有一个吃甜点的目标. 这个月是Tarte Tatin或Opera(蛋糕). 

Eighmee Ferrill, 学院的学术信息专员, is responsible for working with faculty advisors to complete degree evaluations and maintain the academic files for each student in the 太平洋学院.

Eighmee is also involved in new student orientation, and she soon knows every student by name. She works closely with the Associate Dean when academic issues arise for a student, and she refers 学生 to resource services as needed.


Students are informed of important policies in their first semester seminars.

The Academic Affairs Office of the College provides friendly and accessible information about the rules and regulations 学生 are expected to follow in the course of completing their degree requirements.

Faculty advisers as well as College deans assist first-year 学生 in finding the help they need by providing information and referrals to support services on campus, 比如辅导, 咨询和/或学习技巧课程.


The 校历 for Semester 项目 applies to all programs in the 太平洋学院. 

目录包括有关课程的信息, 校园资源和学生服务, 项目描述, program requirements and information about policies and procedures.  It provides you with the information you will need to be a successful student.


护理管理人员 are dedicated to assisting Pacific 学生 in meeting their academic goals and overcoming educational and 个人 challenges. 作为学生事务主任办公室的一部分, 护理管理人员 are responsible for assisting 学生 with academic, 社会, 情感, 个人, 专业发展. 

辅导及心理服务 (帽) at the 正规博彩十大网站 provides a broad range of therapeutic services including group therapy, 个人, 夫妻会话, 非正式磋商, and online assisted therapy for 学生 experiencing 情感 distress, 焦虑, 抑郁症, 调整问题, 和/或更严重的心理健康问题.

Check out the video below to learn more about how to register for classes each semester and what programs and services Pacific uses to make this process more intuitive.

The final schedule is set up with three hours allotted for each final exam and given in the same testing location (room/modality) the course was taught unless the instructor has made other arrangements through the Office of the Registrar. The hours scheduled are 8:00-11:00 am, 12:00-3:00 pm, 3:00-6:00 pm, 5:00-8:00 pm, and 7:00-10:00 pm.

The 综合学术辅导中心's tutors are sophomores, 初中, 老年人, or graduate 学生 who have succeeded academically with a B+ or better in the class they are tutoring or have been recommended by their professors. They are here to help you succeed in college by providing on-going tutoring support. 

The Office of 残疾学生服务 (SSD) coordinates support for 学生 with disabilities so they may participate fully in college life and derive the greatest benefit from their educational experiences.